Peloton: Rack ‘n’ Roll
Now you sweat it, now you don’t
New year resolutions. We mean them, we really do. But then… life happens and suddenly, we are being haunted by the ugly ghost of resolutions past, standing in our way, peeking in the back of our video calls, publicly shaming us for our failure. We try to bury it under our “too dirty for the closet, too clean for the hamper” garments. Turning our game-changing investment into a grotesquely overpriced, and very ugly, coat rack.
It happens to the best of us. So, predicting our lack of discipline, we buy second-hand, guilt-charged equipment. Or we just won’t buy any at all.
Well, at Peloton we get it. Why fight it?
Introducing the all-new Peloton Rack and Roll! The first-ever Peloton that seamlessly turns into a coat hanger.
Creative AD: Mako Gisela Vergara
Creative CW: Mako Gisela Vergara
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro.